A Paris Proposal

A Paris Proposal (2023)

Emily and Sebastian travel to his hometown of Paris to land the Ad account of famed Durand Diamonds and end up in a tricky situation when the client mistakes them for a happy couple.

Release Date: February 11, 2023

1 Movie Review
  • techfashion0315
    techfashion0315almost 2 years55 popcornFeatured
    Emily, a stern, structured individual, takes her job at an ad agency very seriously. While Sabastian, a man who works at the same agency as Emily, has pie-in-the-sky ideas that are often not rooted in reality. So when the two opposites must travel to Paris to close a deal, their adventure gets off on a rocky start. But when there is a misunderstanding and Emily and Sabastian are thought to be married to each other, the two must put their opposites aside and work together. All is going well until their lie is found out and they lose, not only the deal but also their job. But in the end, Sabastian and Emily learn that as long as they have each other, they have everything they need. This Hallmark was very entertaining and fun. Mixing romance and comedy extremely well, the viewer will walk away with a sense of encouragement and joy. This movie was very well compiled and very well performed. Having all the good qualities a classic Hallmark with engaging scenes, this movie was very sweet. It was just the right amount of romantic and funny. I suggest this movie if you like romance, photography, and Paris. Happy watching!

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