Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Rated PG 129 min - Family Fantasy Romance
A live-action adaptation of Disney's version of the classic tale of a cursed prince and a beautiful young woman who helps him break the spell.

Release Date: March 2, 2017

573 Movie Reviews
  • evayang
    evayangover 3 years55 popcorn
    I love Beauty and the beast movie!
    • oliccc
      olicccover 3 years55 popcorn
      Yes it’s Emma Watson, and she also played in Harry Potter, good movie!
      • hermione222011
        hermione222011over 3 years55 popcorn
        Emma Watson plays in harry potter
      • fomaloso-156773974534
        fomaloso-156773974534over 3 years55 popcorn
        The beast's look is so realistic!
        • pandapal
          pandapalover 3 yearsFeatured
          Belle isn't quite like everyone else in the kingdom. But when she finds herself in a cursed and enchanted castle, she learns to love a beast. But can she do it before the curse makes the beast, well, a beast forever? This movie is a live-action remake of the animated version Beauty and the Beast. I recommend this for anyone 6+. This movie demonstrates beauty from the heart, love, and acceptance. I highly recommend seeing this movie! (five popcorn)
          • dorischou
            dorischouover 3 years55 popcorn
            I love this film specially because this movie is amazing and I love Emma Watson~~She is sooooo amazing!! my favorite song in this music is "Belle" the one in the beginning where she walk through the town. What about you? Leave a comment~~
            • lunarthekrewlol
              lunarthekrewlolover 3 years
              five popcorn
              • lunarthekrewlol
                lunarthekrewlolover 3 years
                its awesome
                • lunarthekrewlol
                  lunarthekrewlolover 3 years
                  I love the movie since I'm a kid im 7 I love it~
                  • ydheg
                    ydhegalmost 4 years55 popcorn
                    Y'all this is a good movie