Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017)
Based on the bestselling book series, this outrageous comedy tells the story of George and Harold, two overly imaginative pranksters who hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s an enthusiastic, yet dimwitted, superhero named Captain Underpants.
Release Date: June 2, 2017
146 Movie Reviews
- somebodyalmost 7 yearsI want to watch this movie. I will give this 5 popcorn I mean 5 stars
- gaby susyalmost 7 yearscool awsome
- Baileyalmost 7 yearssoooooooooooooooo fuuny
- MARIAHalmost 7 yearsrealy funny
- michylaalmost 7 yearsfunny!!!!!!!!
- MARIAHalmost 7 yearsrealy funny movie
- dondrealmost 7 yearsthe fun movie.
- so funny lol
- "La laa laaaaaaa!" Captain Underpants shouts. This comedy film has it's unique way of exploring the ways of laughter. It proves that laughter is the best medicine to get you out of any unhappy time. Even though there is a joke kids under 10 may not understand, it is still fun to watch. I think any kid could watch it and to me it would be an 3.9 out of 5. If you still want more Captain Underpants, then you should read the books. But no matter if you read the books or watch the movie, no matter what type of person you are, it is sure to at least form a smile onto your face.
- I completely agree with you... tra la laa
- SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!