Chicken Little

Chicken Little (2005)

When the sky really is falling and sanity has flown the coop, who will rise to save the day? Together with his hysterical band of misfit friends, Chicken Little must hatch a plan to save the planet from alien invasion and prove that the world's biggest hero is a little chicken.

Directors: Mark Dindal

Cast: Zach Braff, Steve Zahn, Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, and Adam West

Release Date: October 30, 2005

18 Movie Reviews
  • zink_playz
    zink_playzover 9 years
    the sky is falling
    • aguagirl00
      aguagirl00over 9 years55 popcorn
      The best movie of all times
      • ikyra_marie
        ikyra_marieabout 11 years
        I remember this movie from when I was little!It was the cutest movie probably ever!Isuggest to younger kids.I still can't get over how cute the characters are haha
        • athleticamazin
          athleticamazinabout 11 years22 popcorn
          Chicken Little is sort of a boring movie. I was very disappointed that Disney made such a weird and boring movie.
          • claire4th
            claire4thalmost 12 years33 popcorn
            This is one of my moms favorite movies. My mom likes it so much because of its music and cute little characters. I think that it would be most enjoyed by audiences under eight years old.
            • jaw
              jawabout 12 years55 popcorn
              Hi i'm a new member and i just watched chicken little and it was very good and funny and now i recommend you watching it.
              • 5slazo
                5slazoover 12 years55 popcorn
                It's about a chicken that fines a alien and the chicken brings the alien home.So when the baby alien was suppose to get on board with his parents he didn't and at the end the aliens come to distroi planet earth,and heres the right ending the alien ficks every thin they broke.

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