
Chimpanzee (2012)

Rated G 78 min - Documentary
A nature documentary centered on a family of chimps living in the Ivory Coast and Ugandan rain forests.

Directors: Alastair Fothergill, Mark Linfield

Cast: Tim Allen and China Anne McClain

Release Date: March 31, 2012

30 Movie Reviews
  • cfelt
    cfeltover 12 years33 popcorn
    This show is so cool! I would NEVER think that the strong leader of the group would take care of an abandond babby monkey! This show kind of reminds me of the movie The Lion King.
    • cvv
      cvvover 12 years
      I want to see this movie so badly !!!! I LOVE Chimpanzees !!!!
      • jess12345
        jess12345over 12 years
        I WANT TO SEE THIS MOVIE SO BAD!!!!!!I have seen the trailer on disney channel and from other shows. I really really really relly realy really really really really really want to see this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        • ghygh
          ghyghalmost 13 yearsFeatured
          i have a little brother, and he acts just like the monkey! I love primades and i wish they werent endangered. (good luck oscer, and to all the primaeds in the world have a good life:)
          • girlreport
            girlreportalmost 13 yearsFeatured
            This soft-hearted movie is about a little chimpanzee who has no mother and no one will take it in. I guess you will have to see what happens to the poor little chimpanzee!I want to warn you that it will bring out all the emotions in you. Everyone should see this caring and loving movie! It is rated E for everyone. -GirlReport
            • hey
              heyalmost 13 years55 popcornFeatured
              This little monkey is sooooo cute! I just want to be with this little monkey! Oscar is great! But sad when he left behind!!!! :(
              • omackin
                omackinalmost 13 years
                You guys should see the movie Oscar is funny cute I just want to cuddle him and sleep with Oscar
                • angel1004
                  angel1004almost 13 years55 popcorn
                  the comercial 4 dis movie made me cry a little. i hope the movies is as good as the comericial
                  • gracie9
                    gracie9almost 13 years55 popcorn
                    This was the sweetest movie ever! If you like sad and intresting movies I garantee that you will absoulutely lovvvvvvveeeeeeee this AMAZING movie. This movie is AWESOME! :-)
                    • spagetti
                      spagettialmost 13 years
                      I can't wait to see this. I have seen the trailers at the movies and it looks amazing. Don't know how they could even make this movie?

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