
Cinderella (2015)

When her father unexpectedly passes away, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her daughters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger in the woods.

Release Date: March 13, 2015

293 Movie Reviews
  • nerdybanana
    nerdybananaover 9 years
    This movie is better than it looks. A more modern version of the original Cinderella story. I saw it two days ago on my TV (Sat 11, 2015) It was amazing and magical in every way (P.S follow me on my story for the contest and on my page, look at my book selection I am an avid reader so if you need books to read I have suggustions.)
    • mariesmith
      mariesmithover 9 years55 popcorn
      I love this movie so much i saw it with my grandma,mommy,friend,and me.
      • Kendallover 9 years
        This movie is so magical!!!
        • baymayover 9 years
          it is so amazing
          • chickenwingsr0902
            chickenwingsr0902over 9 years
            I love this movie when I went to see it in the theater I went to it with my mom and she felt like she was nine.
            • peppermint7over 9 years
              Love the movie
              • gso44
                gso44over 9 years55 popcorn
                this movie is awesome
                • gso44
                  gso44over 9 years55 popcornFeatured
                  this movie is absolutely stunning. The dresses are amazing. I almost cried. Some of you might be familiar with the 20th century Cinderella and might think this is a waste of your precious time. Nothing but! This movie has difference thing s so your not bored. This movie is a mix of fantasy and romance. In this movie th e stepmother and stepsisters are even more horrid then they were in the former Cinderella. Disney, I am amazed at what you can do. The way Cinderella a.k.a Lily James enters the ball is breathtaking. How much detail is put into this movie- I don't know. I'm truly blown away by this movie. You can add this movie to your top ten movies.
                  • felicisowl
                    felicisowlover 9 years55 popcornFeatured
                    This is my first movie review! I don't know how Disney does this. Every single movie makes me cry, from the Lion King to Big Hero 6. And now this. At first I thought it would be the same old remake and that it would be immensely boring. We already have like a million Cinderella movies, why not make something about Tarzan or The Hunchback of Notre Dame? But my prejudice was proved wrong. "I have to tell you a secret, that will see you through all the trials that life will offer. Have courage and be kind." - Cinderella's mother, in her dying moments. This movie was hands-down, magical. Although some of you might already be familiar with the story if you saw the animated version, the plot is that a young maiden, Ella, after her parents pass away, is treated horribly by her stepmothers and stepsisters but 'has courage and is kind' and finally finds true love and true happiness by attending a ball and finding her prince. I can't believe how amazingly Cinderella pulled it off. I could feel all the emotions Cinderella was feeling as she was watching the movie, and I often 'wept a little wept.' But even through such HORRID treatment, Cinderella always kept her mother's words in mind, and was kind to the littlest creatures and had courage when her step-family were abusing her. (Side-Note: Cate Blanchett, one of my favorite actresses as the step-mother? Two thumbs up for that choice.) The scenery and special effects were amazing. I especially loved the moment when the Fairy Godmother transformed Cinderella's dress. One of my favorite parts is when Cinderella meets the Prince while he is hunting. Cinderella tells him to not hurt a stag, and makes him promise not to. The Prince immediately falls in love with her. To conclude, this film made me cry and will probably stay with me for the rest of my life. Everything was top-notch, from the scenery to the characters. Lily James was an amazing Cinderella. This heartwarming movie deserves five stars! -Have courage and be kind! ~FelicisOwl
                    • loveduck1
                      loveduck1over 9 years
                      I saw this movie last night! It was an amazing movie and I think other kids would love this movie too!