Far From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow DogFar From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow DogFar From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow DogFar From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow DogFar From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow DogFar From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow DogFar From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow Dog
Far From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow Dog

Far From Home - The Adventures Of Yellow Dog (1995)

Teenager Angus adopts a stray dog and names him Yellow. Several days later, while travelling along the coast of British Columbia with Angus's father, John, the boy and dog become stranded when turbulent waters capsize their boat. Angus's parents relentlessly badger rescue teams. Angus, schooled by his father in wilderness survival skills, and assisted by the intelligent Yellow Dog, tries to attract rescuers.

Directors: Phillip Borsos, Walt Kubiak

Cast: Mimi Rogers, Bruce Davison, Jesse Bradford, Tom Bower, and Joel Palmer

Release Date: January 13, 1995

3 Movie Reviews
  • tiny00
    tiny00about 5 years
    hello, i am Tiny00's friend and i recommend this movie because it is a loving story of a human and a dog bonding as family. this movie show s a lot of courage and bravery when the dog and human work together. don't get me wrong, this movie has some hate and discouragement, but its mostly about courage!
    • the-chosen-1
      the-chosen-1over 5 years
      this movie is a great but sad movie!
      • readwriter
        readwriterover 9 years55 popcornFeatured
        This movie was amazing from the very start. It takes you on an adventure you'll never forget. Happy, sad, and adventurous, this movie will make you laugh, cry, and burst with joy. You get to know the characters and survive In the wilderness with a teenage boy and his faithful dog. This is a family-friendly movie and anyone can watch and everyone will have tears in their eyes at the end. Very well done.

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