Flowers in the Attic

Flowers in the Attic (1987)

Directors: Jeffrey Bloom

Cast: Louise Fletcher, Victoria Tennant, Kristy Swanson, Jeb Stuart Adams, and Ben Ganger

Release Date: November 20, 1987

5 Movie Reviews
  • jade_Beast100about 6 years
    its sad
    • ggabout 6 years
      thit was a good movie
      • cardi_b
        cardi_bover 6 years
        Great movie
        • pink1219
          pink1219about 11 years55 popcorn
          I like flowers in the in the attic because it was good but also it was sad because the brother died because the mom poisend them
          • rayonna12
            rayonna12over 12 years55 popcorn
            All i have 2 say is that this movie is so AWESOME that i want 2 watch it over and over and over and over again.its about a family that lives in the attic of their mean grandma who dosen't let them out of the room then later on she tries to poison the children with her powderd cookies and the mom is on the grandmas side.I'm not going to spoil the ending bcuz i already spoiled the beginning and the middle

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