Here Comes the Boom

Here Comes the Boom (2012)

Rated PG 105 min - Comedy Action Drama
A high school biology teacher moonlights as a mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to save the school's music program.

Directors: Frank Coraci

Cast: Kevin James, Salma Hayek, Henry Winkler, Greg Germann, and Joe Rogan

Release Date: October 12, 2012

87 Movie Reviews
  • Raeover 12 years
    so i think that i don't really like it... i luv it! :)
    • splash4everover 12 years
      amazing movie! it is so funny too
      • maiya132
        maiya132over 12 years
        omg i really really want to see this movie i was begging my dad i love the main actor he is really good
        • piggyiggy
          piggyiggyover 12 years55 popcorn
          It's a great movie............................just so you know
        • angela245
          angela245over 12 years55 popcorn
          I love this movie!! It is Hilarious!!
          • epic man over 12 years
            this movie is hilarious and is funny for the whole family to enjoy.
            • jkman121
              jkman121over 12 yearsFeatured
              it was intresting but wasnt so good, i liked it and enjoyed the comidy but the story wasnt 100% but in the end i think you should watch it
              • Eloise Sandroffover 12 years
                It was okay. Not amazing. Pretty entertaining though. It was funny in a lot of parts. But it wasn't as good as other movies like it.
                • Youover 12 years
                  Awful movie. I hated it. It was so bad. Not even worth watching the trailer. it made no sense at all. -Carin
                  • abro
                    abroover 12 years55 popcorn
                    I liked it and they should give it 10 pieces of popcorn so you guys should watch so give it a report.
                    • Meover 12 years
                      EPIC MOVIE! Better that I expected, a must-watch!

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