How to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better BoyHow to Build a Better Boy
How to Build a Better Boy

How to Build a Better Boy (2014)

After inadvertently inputting the qualities of the ideal boyfriend into a high-tech government computer, two social outcasts named Mae and Gabby must contend with Albert, a cybernetic sweetheart with only one directive: to treat Mae to the perfect highschool romance.

Release Date: August 17, 2014

145 Movie Reviews
  • adorbswolfie9over 8 years
    i love this movie it is so romantic and awesome please FOLLOW ME
    • 2002hotchick13
      2002hotchick13about 9 years55 popcorn
      • cooljenny12
        cooljenny12almost 10 years55 popcorn
        was supper fun and sad at the end
        • soukeyeabout 10 years
          THIS IS THE BEST!
          • roku
            rokuabout 10 years55 popcorn
            I LOVE this movie!!!!!!
            • kuo
              kuoabout 10 years55 popcorn
              I LOVE this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              • jenny1214
                jenny1214about 10 years
                THE BEST MOVIE EVER
                • Pupluverover 10 years
                  OMG this was such a cute and awesome movie! you would probably think yeah its a disney movie so its totally lame but if your a girl you would totes luv it! (BTW spoiler if you havent seen it ahead ->) i especially loved the part when Albert had said that he must fulfill his mission to make her happy! but so sad he had to leave...i completely luved it...and for all u h8ers that didnt like it...ur totes wrong...not to offend u im just saying i mean thats my was awesome! TOO CUTE! :D
                  • volleyballgirl9
                    volleyballgirl9over 10 years
                    BEST MOVIE EVER!!! It has my all time favorite actress in it who plays Mae!!! I <3 her!!!
                  • rainbow_dash03
                    rainbow_dash03over 10 years
                    great movie i would recomend it to everyone

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