How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2
How to Train Your Dragon 2

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

Five years have passed since Hiccup and Toothless united the dragons and Vikings of Berk. Now, they spend their time charting unmapped territories. During one of their adventures, the pair discover a secret cave that houses hundreds of wild dragons -- and a mysterious dragon rider who turns out to be Hiccup's mother, Valka. Hiccup and Toothless then find themselves at the center of a battle to protect Berk from a power-hungry warrior named Drago.

Cast: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Release Date: June 13, 2014

221 Movie Reviews
  • personover 10 years
    BEST MOVIE EVER (except for pokemon)
    • Amosover 10 years
      • wreakless1234
        wreakless1234over 10 years22 popcorn
        Not that good i really didn't want it.
        • headream100
          headream100over 10 years55 popcorn
          It was very fun to watch and it caught me off guard when(SPOILER ALERT) Hiccup reunited WITH HIS MOTHER. I was like, what???? Anyway, I still remember the part where Hiccup's dragon Toothless glowed a radiant blue(ONE OF MY FAVORITE COLORS EVER) and started to fight the huge monster thing(I'm sorry, what was its name again? Bewilderbeast? Wilderbeast?). I cried several times during the movie, and if you are the type of person who cries at the sight of a leaf falling off a plant, I dearly recommend not to watch this unless you want a small heart attack. Overall, great movie :)
          • brownie_forever
            brownie_foreverover 10 years55 popcorn
            I watched this movie and it was so fun! But I still think Frozen was better! Toothless is SO CUTE! This was also very funny but also very sad I'm not gonna spoil it though so WATCH THE MOVIE!!!
            • fatosaa
              fatosaaover 10 years55 popcorn
              get ready to fly with toothless, fight with hicup and meet his mum waring this review may give spoilers away.
              • isaacover 10 years
                best movie ever seen on earth
                • babanor
                  babanorover 10 years
                  I didn't watch this movie and i was wondering... is it as good as the first one?
                  • dima98over 10 years
                    I love this move!
                    • Brianaover 10 years
                      I thought it was really awesome.

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