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Inside Out

Inside Out (2015)

When 11-year-old Riley moves to a new city, her Emotions team up to help her through the transition. Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness work together, but when Joy and Sadness get lost, they must journey through unfamiliar places to get back home.

Release Date: June 4, 2015

1553 Movie Reviews
  • Gavin almost 7 years
    Emotions that I saw in the movie were anger and fear. i saw that anger got in control of the girl. She lashed out to her dad and mom . They got mad and told her to go to her room because of anger. Fear didn't want anger to stomp his foot and anger got in control of the girl. I am scared that i will not get a computer.
    • ds21almost 7 years
      i saw anger when the girl started to yell. l also saw joy when she was laughing.I can relate to joy when i got starting linebacker on A team football.
      • emilystegall
        emilystegallalmost 7 years
        the movie was OK i have already seen the movie but it was a good movie i liked it .my favorite character is joy .the reason it before my mom past away we used to go do very fun stuff together .be for she died the last thing we did what we went and saw star wars the force awakends. and if you like this please follow me ,and thank you.
        • Joeseph Daily almost 7 years
          i saw anger when she was getting asked all those questions . i hate being asked all of these questions so i yelled at my mom and people saying if have an attitude when they arnt even me so they don't know what i am feeling.i was walking to the house and my sister started yelling at me and i said shut up and she tried to hit me and i ran so then i went in and she yelled at me. Then she started to throw something at me and my mom saw and she got in trouble.
          • nolanc
            nolancalmost 7 years
            The girl felt sad and mad. It reminded me that i failed a paper and just sat their and i felt sad and mad the rest of the class.
            • Jaylenalmost 7 years
              In this movie the emotions are mad. The reason why I picked mad is because the little girl was mad at her dad. I feel sad for the girl because I hate people getting in trouble. The time I got in trouble was when my dad sent me in my room. I got mad and sad because I feel bad for what I did.
              • gggalmost 7 years
                She came home from her first day of school and she was in a bad mood. and she was mad.Her mom and dad kept asking her how her day went, which made her really mad, so she screamed at them. Her dad made her go to her room. I think if she would have had a better attitude and didn't scream at them, she would not have had to go to her room. One day my mom came into my room out of nowhere and I got mad a had a attitude,so i got my phone took away so i felt mad and upset about it.
                • loganalmost 7 years
                  I saw 5 different emotions in this video. The 5 different emotions were sadness, happiness, anger, discussed, and fear. Sadness is just a big blob of sadness. I remember one time when i was sad. My dog got tackled and tor up by it we did not know if she would die or not.
                  • jordonalmost 7 years
                    i see anger and happiness as emotions. The kid got mad at the dad , so the mom did not say anything. The girl had to go to the room ,and i felt Sad because that was mean. When I was young i had to sit in my room. win i fed a paper i wot it to cite in seed. i can relate to the grail beclouds the pipol Mk met mead
                    • Jaylenalmost 7 years
                      This movie is about anger and happiness cause the little girl got mad at her dad. I think it showed happiness cause joy the one in the middle is happy to see her friends.

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