Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)

Po and his friends fight to stop a peacock villain from conquering China with a deadly new weapon, but first the Dragon Warrior must come to terms with his past.

Directors: Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Jennifer Yuh

Cast: Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Gary Oldman, and Jackie Chan

Release Date: May 26, 2011

36 Movie Reviews
  • wise slowbroover 10 years
    this movie was very funny i watched it before i like when he has his flash back
    • sweetpicks
      sweetpicksover 10 years
      I love this movie. It has the best comedy, excellent story plot, and i loved the animation. LOVED THIS MOVIE. No stop reading this summery and go watch the movie.
      • bobbysuzaover 10 years
        love the movie!!!!!!!!
        • spinnypeeps
          spinnypeepsover 10 yearsFeatured
          BEST. MOVIE. EVER. Honestly,I should've watched it a long, long, time ago, but I just watched it yesterday. It's a tie with Maleficent, Oz the Great and Powerful, and How to Train your Dragon, my three most favorite movies of all time. The action was undeniably but- kicking expertise and hilarious at the same time. Usually these kind of cartoons are just the same: fight, The bad guys seem to be winning, but the good guy always wins. The End. But this one was completely different, and made me sniffle at some parts and cry out with joy at the last. A movie Every Single One of You should watch and please don't judge this movie by it's cover. Definetely a five star movie!
          • frankiebaby
            frankiebabyover 10 years
            want to watch it!
            • athleticamazin
              athleticamazinabout 11 years55 popcorn
              Kung Fu Panda 2 is a little bit better than the first movie! I thought it was super funny and it was really an enjoyable movie!
            • thegolfer13
              thegolfer13about 11 years
              Really really funny
              • purpleminnu
                purpleminnuabout 11 years22 popcorn
                I didn't really like this one. I like the first one better
                • kayasam
                  kayasamover 11 years55 popcorn
                  Love Jack Black!!!
                  • kayasam
                    kayasamover 11 years55 popcorn
                    makes you want number 3 more than ever!Awesome movie though.