Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror (2012)

After she spends all her money, an evil enchantress queen schemes to marry a handsome, wealthy prince. There's just one problem - he's in love with a beautiful princess, Snow White. Now, joined by seven rebellious dwarves, Snow White launches an epic battle of good vs. evil...

Directors: Tarsem Singh

Cast: Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, Armie Hammer, Nathan Lane, and Jordan Prentice

Release Date: March 30, 2012

109 Movie Reviews
  • coolgirl123about 12 years
    Hated it!
    • gtgabout 12 years
      What is it realy
      • eredden03
        eredden03about 12 years55 popcorn
        GREAT!!!!!!!!! it really blew my mind it was a twist to my favorite classic story. have to say was funny. 5 stars
        • abercrombiegurl
          abercrombiegurlabout 12 years55 popcorn
          this movie was aweomseee with a capital A
        • hazel
          hazelabout 12 years
          This is a hilarious movie. Definitely a must- see.
          • borntoplay
            borntoplayabout 12 years44 popcorn
            I saw it last night on Netflix, and it was really cool. Some of the dwarves were from the show Pit Boss!
            • eredden03
              eredden03about 12 years55 popcorn
              yes it took me a minute to figure out that the darwfs were indeed off Pit Boss.
            • imdabomb
              imdabombabout 12 years44 popcorn
              This movie was pretty good
              • chloealoe
                chloealoeabout 12 years
                It was fun and a good twist
                • lenabelle
                  lenabelleabout 12 years44 popcornFeatured
                  I watched this movie not because I chose it. but because my mother just decided to surprise me and my sister one day by taking us to the movies. I liked it, it was fun, as well as funny, and there weren't any boring parts.
                • previewabout 12 years
                  this was one of the only movies that i seen with out any spollerirs :)

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