Slam Dunk Ernest

Slam Dunk Ernest (1995)

Ernest P. Worrell becomes a basketball star after an angel bearing an uncanny resemblance to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gives him a pair of magic sneakers.

Directors: John R. Cherry III

Cast: Jim Varney, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jay Brazeau, Cylk Cozart, and Lester Barrie

Release Date: June 20, 1995

2 Movie Reviews
  • katiethegreat24
    katiethegreat24almost 10 years11 popcorn
    This movie is plain awful. The man looks like he belongs to a mental hospital.
    • gbarger91
      gbarger91almost 12 years
      I like this movie. It's hilarious. I like when Ernest was trying to take his cap off for his game and it wouldn't come off because he'd had it on since he was a kid. I like when the Clean Sweep have their first game and Ernest was a distraction and they lose by a free throw because he was a distraction in a hilarious way. I like when the guy gives him the shoes and puts them in his locker and they keep appearing right next to the door. I like the part when they were beating the Hornets 36-4 at halftime.

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