The Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji MovieThe Emoji Movie
The Emoji Movie

The Emoji Movie (2017)

Gene, a multi-expressional emoji, sets out on a journey to become a normal emoji.

Release Date: July 23, 2017

418 Movie Reviews
  • save me over 6 years
    If only the could have depicted a better idea, Other than an emoji I would have not slept through the whole movie
    • Depressed manover 6 years
      This movie is not thicc at all. Why would they make a movie about emojis? It really hard to enjoy.
      • joleeover 6 years
        I love it
        • i love kittyover 6 years
          so cool lol
          • brittanyspearsover 6 years
            this movie sucked!!!!! it made me cry! i'm disappointed sony...
            • Linda emojiover 6 years
              The emoji is the best. I like that it is a movie about emojis and when hi five trict meh with his finger monster oh or when the little poop said'' should we wosh are hands.'' and then the fother started to laf and they doth walked out of the room chanting ''were number two.'' over and over agen. Well I could go on forever but I won't because you would be died by the time you finished what I do not like is smiller she is relly mean she should be the one deleted.#ps YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT LIKE LITERLY YOU HAVE TO.$ :) :0 :) :0
              • annabelleover 6 years
                I think this movie is awesome because it is about people that work together like in jumanji : Welcome to the Jungle . I like the movie a lot .
                • unkownover 6 years
                  it was not that good
                  • gamer#1--gamerover 6 years
                    it iS AWESOME
                    • faithover 6 years
                      I saw it like 1000 times