The Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little MermaidThe Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid (2018)

A young reporter and his niece discover a beautiful and enchanting creature they believe to be the real little mermaid.

Release Date: August 17, 2018

30 Movie Reviews
  • lolipop565over 6 years
    • Lanaover 6 years
      A live action little mermaid movie, we don't need this. The little mermaid is a classic itself. I saw this movie and thought to things: Was the director trying? Or was he on something?
      • Dayana over 6 years
        It's amazing
        • zuki zoingover 6 years
          • Aubrinnaover 6 years
            Best movie of the year
            • catsarethebest1
              catsarethebest1over 6 years44 popcorn
              The movie looks very fascinating and adventress. I want to know more! This is most likely going to be a great movie.
              • Princess over 6 years
                Looks good maybe worth watching
                • sushi_cat
                  sushi_catover 6 years55 popcorn
                  It looks so great. #have to watch
                  • wowover 6 years
                    looks old timey,but could be good movie