The WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe WilloughbysThe Willoughbys
The Willoughbys

The Willoughbys (2020)

When the four Willoughby children are abandoned by their selfish parents, they must learn how to adapt their Old-Fashioned values to the contemporary world in order to create something new: The Modern Family.

Release Date: April 22, 2020

215 Movie Reviews
  • Alissonover 4 years
    I love the movie but is sad
    • marleydelyla13
      marleydelyla13over 4 years55 popcorn
      This movie is pretty good...its kind of sad though because the parents don't really care for them๐Ÿ˜ฟ but they find someone who does,but you'll have to watch the movie to find out what happens next.
      • kylie_alana
        kylie_alanaover 4 years55 popcorn
        I love this movie! it talks about how these kids parents have so much love for each other, but not enough for their kids. I really recommend it! :) ~ Kylie_Alana
        • cherry-blossom
          cherry-blossomover 4 years44 popcorn
          Great movie with top actors and brilliant actresses! Wonderful songs, and it is a good movie for the whole family to share and like! Amazingly enjoyable movie.
          • prettygrlover 4 years
            This movie was pretty good.It was different from the book but I liked it a lot!
            • MayaTaylorover 4 years
              I really like this movie because it really funny
              • PIZZA over 4 years
                I love it but feel sad because the parents don't love there kids
                • H.I.Dover 4 years
                  It makes me cry so many times ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
                  • Cause.why.notover 4 years
                    This was a really cool movie i loved it so much๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
                    • Redfox24over 4 years
                      It was very cute and adorable

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