Have you ever longed for a dog? Well so did Henry. Have you ever been lost and couldn’t find your way home? Well so was Bone. Have you ever had someone very close to you die? Well so did Charlie.
This is a book where a dog named Bone, a boy named Charlie, and a boy named Henry all tell stories of them selfs as they try to overcome everything they have been through.
One of the stories is about a dog named bone. He gets separated from his sister squirl and is just trying to find his sister and get a home.
Henry is a boy who all he wants is a dog. His dad won’t let him and he doesn’t know why so when finds a tan puppy in the neighborhood he takes advantage of it.
Charlie is a boy who goes through one tragedy after another.
If all this sounds interesting then check out everything for a dog by Ann M. Martin. I recemend this book to any one ages 9 and up.